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Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Le 1er avril - Happy fool's day everyone! What it means in France

Dear all,

I will open 2014 blogging with a post today on April 1st on "Fool's Day"

Happy April's Fool Day to all of you!

Here are 2 quotes to celebrate the first of April and the beginning of the sunny season.

Happy April fools day everyone. 

In French we call it "le poisson d'Avril" the April fish. You stick a paper fish in people's back without them realising it. Indeed French really know how to have fun!!

Yvan Audouard a dit un jour:" il vaut mieux être le dindon de la farce que la farce du dindon". As for Charles Lamb, he once said " here, cometh April again, and as far as I can see the world hath more fools in it than ever"

What was considered the best recent canular in France for Fool's day?

En 2013, Carambar avait su nous piéger en annonçant, bien en amont du 1er avril, que la marque de bonbon cesserait d’imprimer des blagues sur ses emballages à partir du 15 avril 2013.

Une petite plaisanterie qui avait été prise trés au sérieux dans l’Hexagone, avant qu'elle n’annonce qu’il ne s’agissait que d’une blague.

In 2013, Carambar was able to trap us by announcing well in advance of April 1, the brand candy cease printing on packaging jokes on April 15, 2013.
A little joke that was taken very seriously in France, before it announced that it was only a joke :)